First Blog Post! New Collection!

Thanks for checking out the Blog section of my website, this a new format for me to use and I am excited about being able to share some more in depth processes about metal working as well as info about the person behind Foxtrot ~ Hi! ~ it me! I also was brainstorming ways to be able to make connections that are not solely dependent on social media, while I love the community that I have found there I also find myself having a hard time keeping up with the pace we are expected to share our work, and essentially ourselves, through such small curated snap shots. I would like to start sharing more and feel like this would be a great way to keep yall updated on a monthly {or so} basis!

This new collection is something I am really excited about! It was really hard trying to back to my “usual speed” of production after taking a few weeks away from the bench after the Northern Lights/Holiday rush, but I think making smaller more manageable collections is something that I really enjoy and need to remember to take my time and enjoy the process while creating. There are alot of behind the scene things that I am working on right now, like updating my packaging and branding that I have been needing to do for awhile! The goal is to be using only 100% recycled materials eventually, and work on updating my shipping supplies. I have a hard time focusing on more than one project at a time, but will be making that a priority this year. I have also been playing around with carving wax again for making some unique one of kind collection in the future. Since the carving can take a lot out of my hands, I will be working on that slowly on days that I have that spare time for it. So far I have created about 6 little various weapons and cannot wait to see them in metal a year or so down the line! Here is a little sword and hand I was working on a little while back when my new supplies came.


It has been nice to try new projects since, yah know, we are in the middle of a pandemic and I basically live at my house//the studio since I am super high risk and have a compromised immune system. Been trying to find ways to stay busy even though I would be lying if I said it wasn’t taking its toll. Alot of the inspiration I draw from is traveling and being in nature, and it has been almost a year since I have seen my family or been able to do those thing ~ SO while it has been nice to throw myself into projects I am learning to find inspiration around me til its safe to do otherwise. One thing though I have been feeling immensely is gratitude! I have been able to work safely through all of this, and keep my one person smithing shop open. I know that is not the case for so many folk right now who are struggling with little to no help right now, and I recognize that it’s a privilege to be able to do so. If you are able to do so, you should find out about your local community Mutual Aid and figure out if you can help by donating or contributing in some small way. So many folk are hurting right now and it’s important that we all take care of each other! Here is the link to the Austin Mutual Aid fundraiser if you would like to donate!

I also added my band Weaponrys Long sleeve shirts that 100% of the profit will go towards Austin Mutual Aid. They were drawn by my bandmate Travis, and screen printed at Culture War Prints in Austin TX! We had them done right before March thinking we would still be continuing to play house shows but ~ yah know~ so I added them here to raise money for our mutual aid group and to keep yall warm while looking v cool. Here is my partner modeling one for me!


There is a lot I am excited about the next few months, and I will be making an effort to capture the in between moments of the metalworking alchemy, those stages between sketch and finished adornment in Silver. I am looking forward to continuing to expand my smithing skills and share with yall in the process, and please let me know if there is something specific you guys want me to talk about! I appreciate every single one of you, thanks for being here and reading my first post!

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